We know the value of leisure – from market valuation to its positive role in placemaking and the regeneration of a town or city.

Why Development?

Understand Your Leisure Investment
The two major factors that drive the development of cinema and leisure, both in the UK and globally, are commercial advantage and community interests.
Over the last decade or so, a lot of cinema and leisure development has been spurred on in a commercial sense by shopping centre owners, and in a community sense by local authorities.
Each stakeholder often shares the common goal of wanting to transform the fundamental dynamics of their local area or shopping centre asset, with a particular focus on the evening economies.


Whether considering building a single cinema or acquisition of a cinema circuit, our market expertise ensures you have the relevant information to make the right decision.
We have a vast amount of cinema data and market knowledge across the territories we have worked in and our contact network ensures we can quickly gather information on new ones.
We know how cinemas work because we manage them on behalf of our clients. We are more than just cinema consultants as its not just theory, we know how to make things work.
As well as gaining experience of best practice from other territories or cinemas, we see first hand what the issues are. We stay up to date with the latest trends and technology.


Whether you are a local authority, developer, asset manager or operator the design and layout of your cinema is key to its success. We take a collaborative approach to working with the overall architect to ensure the right design and layout is achieved.
We always recommend that a cinema architect is employed to work up plans, even if a master architect is used. There are specific requirements for a cinema that an experienced architect will know from sight lines to fire regulations.
As cinema experts we understand the dynamics involved. We ensure that each cinema is efficient in space use but also takes into account how people will use the building.
This isn’t just about customer flow. More and more today's customers are using cinemas for both social spaces to meet and for local businesses and communities to use for meetings and events. Add in the change, through digital, of on-screen content, meaning as well as film, theatre, opera and more is now shown, this in turn leads to the need for both auditorium and other spaces to be flexible for events.


Menu Development
Our expertise helps you develop the offer, from concept to operation maximising all commercial opportunities along the way. We are not just talking sales here.
Our team can advise on all commercial aspects from brand development, customer journey to marketing campaigns. As well as advising operators our knowledge enables us to assess a cinema or cinema chain's commercial ability, identify weaknesses and opportunities. This forms part of our overall assessment for investors.